What a Grand Holiday July 4 Was!

Below... is the reason for the long weekend, a day to mark the founding of our Country.  "America the Beautiful," is one of seven posters that comprised my original "Who We Are" Collection, designed just after the horrors of 9.11.01. This entire series has been accorded a Gold Award by Graphis Poster Annual and included in our national Library of Congress. I am thankful for these honors. You can see more of these posters as they might hang on one of your walls by taking a look at my Exhibit page. Scroll down the page to get a sense of it. You can highlight any image that strikes you, in particular. 

Honey Bee Art: Have you EVER hung up a honey-bee poster? Check out my originals. See this newly posted Honey Bee series in my Photo Gallery, and do check out my new, Exhibit page. Find me here, or on Linktr.ee.

Yours in the bounty of all our vegetable gardens, this summer. Thank you for your support. I have appreciated your orders in recent weeks. 

George Delany, 2022

America the Beautiful Poster