Is Love in Air? 2/9/24

Not posted to my website, here, is a series of perhaps 25 original acrylic works I title, "My Really Important Life." This series suggests what we hold dear, and so each study in the series depicts a single person, isolated, preoccupied with one or more electronic devices while eating a cheeseburger. That's it. Life-via-screen. Here is one of my favorites from this series, each work of which measures 7" x 5" though prints come larger. Contact me if interested. 

Winter prints are on the docket during these months. Have you ever bought a Delany original? Note, the 20% off price of your first print if you wish to sign up. 

In February, as the celebration of Valentine's Day approaches, let's recall a famous cliche, an old idea-- love conquers all. 

George Delany, Artist

My Really Important Life