Nov. 22, Thanksgiving in the Air...

We try to stay off highways this time of year, if humanly possible. We stay near the wood stove. The smell of fresh cookies is in the air, often. Peanut butter, chocolate chip, coconut, the kitchen is the hub of the household going into this week and throughout the Holyday season. So here is my suggested image for your fall print collection just before Thanksgiving, 2022. 

Let us remember those in Ukraine and around the world who suffer daily in ways none of us know. Let us hope and pray this conflict can be ended before it expands, and that the rebuilding, the recovery, the enormous task of reconstructing a country's people and its infrastructure can begin in earnest. 

Have you thought about purchasing a print about bees, a honey-bee print? Check out my originals. See this posted Honey Bee series in my Photo Gallery, and do check out my new Exhibit page. Find me here, or on Reminder, you may wish to order your holiday art prints right now. Avoid the rush, think about it early, this year. 

As Thanksgiving arrives and right behind it, December I wish you all a safe, healthy, joyful day consistent with that which our forebears surely felt upon arriving and then surviving here in the New World.  

George Delany

Thanksgiving prints