Nov. 14, Election Recovery Doldrums

Here she is "Statue in Woods," in all her fall glory. I admit, have had many fall moments when the Spirit has moved me in exactly the same fashion as is depicted here. Image will never qualify as a print recommendation, needless to state! Remember, though, you can customize your order of this print right here on my website, by material, size, matte, frame and installation hardware, a breeze. Your print will arrive ready to hang

Have you thought about purchasing a print about bees, a honey-bee print? Check out my originals. See this posted Honey Bee series in my Photo Gallery, and do check out my new Exhibit page. Find me here, or on Reminder, if you purchase your holiday art and photo prints now, you'll be a great shape when the season rocks into gear. Avoid the rush, think about it early, this year. 

Here in the serious month of November, with Thanksgiving of all things only two weeks off, may you have a brisk fall day no matter where  you are. 

George Delany

Statue in Woods