Dec. 21, 2020, Just Before Christmas...

Here is yet another proper and suitable setting for a graphic statement on our sacred, First Amendment. These posters use high quality materials; papers, pigments, mattes, frames. A wide variety is available, something you will see on my website as you go thru the selection and ordering process. In addition, you can visualize this poster on YOUR wall by using your phone and the special Augmented Reality feature available on my store site. Be sure to take a look at other USA posters from my Americana Poster Collection as you pass thru. At Christmas, 2020, in thinking about the year past and those just ahead, let's be sure we hold high that stirring vision which our Founding Fathers lived and died to bequeath to us. Stewardship is also a sacred thing. Merry Christmas to all and thank you for your support this year

First Amendment Poster