Dec. 16, Christmas Season in Full Gear

Why just this past week we've begun to receive Christmas cards in the mail, though not as many as in recent years. We've received a bunch of packages, some from family and friends, some from Amazon and other suppliers. We check our lists, coordinate what has to go out with what remains to be packed up and wrapped. I'm sending out a few of my shingle paintings to friends and family, and ordering a few tiles with select drawings from my website applied to the surface. These make nice gifts. Here is hoping your planning and execution are all under control and that you get a slice of time at the end of each Advent Day to simply rest! 

In the upcoming year 2023, consider Honey-Bee prints? Check out my originals. See more of these posted Honey Bee series in my Photo Gallery, and do check out my new Exhibit page. Find me here, or on

In the midst of this Christmas season, even given our national challenges and international frictions, I wish you all a safe, healthy, joyful and not too crazed shopping experience...along with your Advent preparation. 



John 3:16