5/4 Beach Season Arriving

Below is a relatively larger look at this image. The colors I have tried to incorporate are warm and summery. In fact, the day I recorded this image...was hot and humid. As distinct from May, I find the color palette inviting and invite you to take a look. Prints can be ordered, then customized as to size, materials, matte, frame and installation hardware...right from this website. You can learn how to do it. The process is pretty straight forward. One experience will tune you up for any follow-up purchases at later dates. These make fine Mother's Day gifts, too. 

As beach season beckons, as gardening and grass-seed also find their ways to our to-do lists, why not consider one of my original Honey-Bee prints? Queens are busy this time of year! Check out originals, here. See more of these posted Honey Bee series in my Photo Gallery, and do check out my Exhibit page. Find me here, or on Linktr.ee.

Today is International Prayer Day. Goodness, our world could use a few, couldn't it? I intend to make my contribution, later on this day, and do hope you may find time to make yours. 

George Delany, Artist 

Spring prints