3/17 Spring...Coming!

As the recent storm approached, a published on social media several details of this painting, followed by the painting, itself...in its entirety. This is the completed image. Perhaps I'll post a larger series of winter paintings. This would add some seasonal appeal to those already available, of which many are really summer themes. Thoughts? Contact me. 

Here we are in March! Why not consider one of my original Honey-Bee prints? Queens are busy this time of year! Check out my originals, here. See more of these posted Honey Bee series in my Photo Gallery, and do check out my Exhibit page. Find me here, or on Linktr.ee

Clipping brush, cleaning up property is the order of the day, now, always a daunting proposition...getting ready for the real arrival of Spring.  Now that Daylight Savings Time has arrived, more light=better attitudes! < smile >  Be well

George Delany, Artist

Boston Blizzard Moves In